Posts about security RSS feed (en) RSS-Feed (de) 2021-03-23 19:00 You are sharing your downloads with your Antivirus Company 2011-06-09 09:54 Skype Compression Now Published 2010-11-09 11:13 Unix Domain Sockets 2010-10-06 18:20 Skypes Flux Capacitor: UDP 2010-09-21 08:47 Linuxwochenende 2010 2010-08-25 17:55 Skypes Flux Capacitor has been released 2009-12-05 17:16 How to get smartcards or crypto-tokens running on Debian Linux and Windows 2009-08-04 23:20 Cloud computing, Vendor Lock-In and the Future 2009-05-28 09:24 Warum ich nicht mit Skype telefoniere 2008-11-27 20:03 E-voting