In the following I’ll describe how to setup asterisk to log via ODBC to a remote Microsoft SQL server — I needed this for a client. I’m using a Debian server, file location may differ for your brand of linux distribution.
The following packages exist for debian, the ones needed are marked with “NEEDED”
A good introduction to the Free TDS implementation of ODBC is the userguide of FreeTDS

Debian FreeTDS packages

FreeTDS Needs either unixodbc or iodbc, both are ODBC implementations for Linux/Unix. Asterisk is built against unixodbc.
iodbc packages:

unixodbc packages:

common packages for debian:

Asterisk depends on unixodbc which should be already installed, so we install the following packages (ignoring any warnings about already-installed packages):

apt-get install unixodbc sqsh tdsodbc

Other Software using ODBC

Configuraton for Asterisk Logging