Dynamic DNS with Bind Stopped Working

In 2021 I set up a dynamic DNS server using the popular ISC bind DNS server and documented my configuration in a blog article [1].

Recently (around the second half of the year 2024) the DNS updates stopped working. In my configurations I was using the public key method for signing DNS updates also known as SIG(0). This was long supported in bind and is still documented to workin the latest version.

All DNS update requests were suddenly denied with a REFUSED status. Even turning on debugging with the -d 15 option to named I was not able to get any further information, not even when logging to standard output with -g.

It turns out that the public key signatures using SIG(0) have been disabled due to a denial of service attack vector documented in CVE-2024-1975. DNS updates with shared TSIG keys still work. Unfortunately this seemed not documented and no appropriate log messages are seen. I've made a bug report for bind.

As it turns out I would have to look at the documentation for the version 9.18 shipped with Debian stable aka bookworm at the time of this writing: It documents that SIG(0) has been removed due to CVE-2024-1975.

It looks like later versions of bind (e.g. version 9.20.6 and up) again support SIG(0) but with a quota mechanism to prevent a denial of service attack. But for prior versions it seems that the "fix" involves completely disabling SIG(0).