Einträge über english RSS feed (en) RSS-Feed (de) 2024-01-18 12:00 Linux Kernel route_localnet Einstellung 2021-10-17 19:00 FEL-Modus auf dem Orange-Pi Zero um U-Boot ins NOR-Flash zu bekommen 2019-04-18 18:06 Zweiter SPI Chipselect für den Orange-Pi Zero 2019-04-14 14:06 Blog zu eine statischen Site-Generator umgezogen 2014-05-28 17:22 Peer Production License 2014-04-18 16:30 Migrating to GIT with Reposurgeon 2014-01-10 20:00 ICMPv6 and prefixes 2013-10-22 12:34 Elevate Festival 2011-09-23 09:09 SIGALRM blocked forever -- by init 2011-06-09 09:54 Skype Compression Now Published 2011-01-10 10:44 LILO "junk in compressed archive" and Grub2 "out of disk" error 2010-11-10 13:43 Thomas Greco in Vienna 2010-11-09 11:13 Unix Domain Sockets 2010-10-06 18:20 Skypes Flux Capacitor: UDP 2010-08-25 17:55 Skypes Flux Capacitor has been released 2010-04-19 16:21 Ning eliminates free networks 2010-02-17 10:39 OE3RSU 2009-12-05 17:16 How to get smartcards or crypto-tokens running on Debian Linux and Windows 2009-11-03 13:05 Media Ecologies Conference 2009-10-27 18:30 Did Ronja Fail? 2009-09-11 09:37 (cc)alpsSalon: open everything 2009-08-18 13:23 Configuring Asterisk to log CDR records via ODBC to a remote MS-SQL 2009-08-04 23:20 Cloud computing, Vendor Lock-In and the Future 2009-06-05 13:18 grml to the rescue 2009-04-27 09:35 Good support from Beronet 2009-04-09 16:36 Beronet bero*fos failover switch 2009-03-19 14:05 Open Source Document Licensing 2009-03-09 16:13 Howto get Asterisk with mISDN V2 and Linux Call Router running on debian lenny 2009-03-06 20:21 sane snapscan and epson 3590 photo + rpm weirdness 2008-11-27 20:03 E-voting 2008-11-21 18:31 Update on open money 2008-11-10 21:19 OpenMoko 2008.9 2008-10-30 11:51 Advanced Routing With Several Providers